Saturday, March 25, 2006

Nice Cities

A peace of the action can
Best a piece of an action.
    ~The Shah of Athabasca
My life is Nairobi.
My days are like...
Dar Es Salaam;
There is Peace,
Everywhere all
Most harmonica
(There must be
 a piece here).
    ~Victor Imari (09/04)

Saturday, March 04, 2006


The longer I look around,
The more I am convinced:
There are things to be done,
And there are other things,
Either to avoid, or not
Necessary. You know:
That extra time around
When we wonder about
When we make time to
Make sense of writing
Down our thoughts
Out loud - like?
 ~Victor Imari


Thursday, March 02, 2006


 Sometimes it's
 Probably wiser
 To pray than
 To worry later.
 ~ The Shah of Athabasca
There are good
Followers, bad
Followers, good
Bad followers,
Bad good followers,
Good bad followers,
You get the idea:
Followers are,
 ~ Victor Imari (3/2/06)