
Global Authorities now had to deal with this issue: Humans hadn't been able to transport other humans to other planets in massive volumes, and due to a universal shortage of rubber, more babies were being born than people being rocketed away. 

Arable land on Earth was so scarce now cows had to be cloned Underground. And since there was much life Underground and since McDonald’s never closed any more, more people got that much fatter, which made it much more difficult to transport them to distant galaxies. 

Global Authorities also had this problem to solve: Urbanites outnumbered Ruralites significantly and land was priceless. Only the biggest corporations could afford land. All of them were linked in with Global Authorities of course. Ruralites would have to have no choice it was decreed: They had agri-skills more economical Underground. They would have to be gathered up (mostly by Urbanites) and enslaved Underground.

Underground was no easy place. Time was meaningless there. It was decided some time ago not to try to replicate outdoors Underground. Most outdoors were heavily guarded anyway and besides, Underground was about commerce. You could shop there, eat there, stay there, live there. They even had theme parks with roller coasters, beaches, petting zoos, and so on. Underground also had the cheapest housing (some with basements) and lower paying more laborious jobs. Crime and poverty tended to go Underground. 

The wealthiest and most affluent tended to socialize in VertiPods: Lavish estates atop giant skyscrapers with very restricted access to and from Underground. Slavery though, that was new, after so long. Underground had prisons of course and so there was forced labour but not enslaved. Ruralites had been offered countless dollars to abolish their creed and surrender their ways to Urbanites but the ones that remained would have none of it. All were adamant, most were vigilant, and some were militant. 

Many Ruralites had of course taken advantage of the opportunities offered by Urbanites. A few even had a VertiPod. Opportunity still usually came in the usual forms and competition for scarce resources was of course fierce but due mostly to over population many born Underground stayed Underground.

Most Urbanites had never met a Ruralite even though Ruralites were surrounded by Urbanites whose borders with Ruralites were the best preserved but also prime for profitable (always vertical) development. Buildings were so tall due to fundamental design changes that planes needed more altitude for larger airports serving more commuters. Cities were congested and Globalization was everywhere. 

Corporations dominated omnipresent media that downplayed their political power and influence. Global privatization of most industry had made the few richest richer and the many poor a plentiful pool of cheap labour. Underground was the creation of large corporations much like almost everything. Vertical development plans always included the Underground which had very specific entrances and exits.

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